From AGS and G(S)PA to DMS: what will change for you?

You will soon be submitting your import, storage and export declarations, presentation notifications and your additional declarations in DMS. This page explains how this will affect you.

Declaration with AGS

Do you file declarations with AGS? From 1 July 2024 this will no longer be possible. You will have to file declarations with DMS 4.0, the successor to AGS 3.1. It’s important that, if needed, you modify your business processes and declaration systems according to the modified message specifications for DMS 4.0. Take into account the modified processing of inspection findings.

Declaration with Venue

Do you file declarations with Venue? From 1 July you can only use Venue to file export declarations up to € 1.000, until further notice. All other declarations need to be filed in DMS.

Do you want to use exemptions of Section 23 and/or 25 for e-commerce declarations up to € 150? And do these declarations meet the conditions for using the reduced dataset (column H7 of Annex B GVo.DWU)? If so, you can file those declarations in DECO.

EIDR authorisation holders

Do you hold an Entry of Data in the Declarant's Records (EIDR) authorisation? And did you register for the informal phase before 1 January 2024, but are you not yet connected to DMS? Then you can still use AGS to file new declarations for import, export and storage in GP(S)A till 11 September 2024.

Are you not connected to DMS by 11 September 2024 and do you want to file a new declaration in AGS and GP(S)A? This is only possible if you came to a customised agreement with us beforehand.

If you did not register for the informal phase before 1 January 2024, you will need to file your declarations in DMS from 1 July 2024. From 1 July onwards you can no longer file declarations in AGS.

Different data requirements for data set

The data requirements (data set) of the declaration have changed. For the declaration, use:

  • the data requirements of Annex B of the Delegated Regulation of the Union Customs Code (Gvo DWU)
  • the formats and codes of Annex B of the Implementing Regulation UCC (Uvo DWU)
  • the national supplements in Annex VIa of the General Customs Regulations

More information

Are you an Entry of Data in the Declarant's Records (EIDR) authorisation holder, Customs warehousing? Then read more at 'DMS: gevolgen voor vergunninghouders IIAA douane-entrepot' (only available in Dutch).

Stock audit file

  • Are you an IIAA holder who places those goods under the directly subsequent customs regulations with IIAA? Under certain conditions, you may be able to use what is referred to as the chain procedure. You only have to present the goods if you place the goods under the 1st customs arrangement. If you place the goods under a subsequent customs arrangement, you must enter that into the same declarant’s records to be able to use the chain procedure.
  • EIDR authorisation holders will have to start using the so-called stock audit file to exchange the inspection information previously included in the GPA. If you choose scenario 3 (chain arrangement), this is mandatory. You can download the specifications for stock audit files at

New Message Implementation Guide (MIG)

The altered message implementation guide (MIG) for DMS 4.0 and 4.1 has been published on the website of the National Helpdesk Customs at the Dutch Customs Support Centre for Software Developers. You can find more information about the test environment for companies (Build to Order or BTO) and the Validation Test Service (VTS).


You can read the latest about the time schedule at ‘The timeframe for the implementation of DMS 4.0 and 4.1 for declarations for import, storage, and export'.

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