How do you prepare for DMS?

Start early preparations for the migration from customs declaration system (aangiftesysteem van de Douane, AGS) to Customs Declaration Management System (Douaneaangiften Management Systeem, DMS).

What prior arrangements do you have to make?

Answer these questions for yourself and take action:

  • What are the implications for my business process?
  • Which processes and applications are affected by the migration?
  • Is there enough knowledge within the organisation for the migration to be successful?
  • Which parties are needed to assist the migration?
  • What are the budgetary consequences and is a sufficient budget available?
  • Which person or persons are needed for the implementation? Make sure that such person or persons are available.

Technical communications with AGS and DMS

The migration from AGS and IIAA licence holders to DMS also means that technical communications will change while using the new Customs declaration systems. We communicate with the party arranging for the technical connection. If you log in as an end-user into an environment other than Customs, we do not approach you directly for the purpose of migration. In such event you will be approached by the party who arranges for this communication on your behalf.

We approach you on the basis of your connection 'Electronic Messaging Registration' at Customs. If the address of this connection deviates from your address as an end-user, you will be approached by the party we have contact with.

Technical communications IIAA licence holders and DMS

Are you an IIAA licence holder? Then check whether permission for Electronic Messaging Registration is available, or whether you still need to apply for one. If you only use the services of a service provider such as a customs agent, this registration is not required.

A modification of the message exchange with AGS

You are currently using these details for message exchange with AGS.

  • an email address for messages to AGS:
    You are getting response messages from AGS from the same address.
  • process-ID for AGS: DMS.NL
    These values are also used in the response messages.
    An example of a message from a declarant to AGS [V=NL123456789.02.05][A=DMS.NL][K=22096222734662][S=0]
    An example of a message from AGS to a declarant
    [V= DMS.NL][A= NL123456789.02.05][K=22096222734662][S=0]

A modification of the message exchange with DMS

These are the details you use for message exchange with DMS.

  • an email address for messages to DMS:
    You are getting response messages from DMS from the same address.
  • process ID for AGS: DMS4.NL.
    These values are also used in the response messages.
    An example of a message from a declarant to DMS [V=NL123456789.02.05][A=DMS4.NL][K=22096222734662][S=0]
    An example of a message from DMS to a declarant
    [V= DMS4.NL][A= NL123456789.02.05][K=22096222734662][S=0]

The follow-up number remains the same after migration to DMS

If you, as a declarant, migrate from AGS to DMS you can continue using the same follow-up number. Your SMTP address continues to be the same. You can quickly determine for which process the response message is designated with the details of the PO Box of the sender and the corresponding process-ID.

Do you have any questions?

You can find more information at All documentation on the migration from AGS to DMS or Where can you go if you have questions about DMS?.

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