Where can you go if you have questions about DMS?

The migration from customs declaration system (aangiftesysteem van de Douane, AGS) to Customs Declaration Management System (Douaneaangiften Management Systeem, DMS) may raise questions. Do you as a company or a software developer have questions about the migration from AGS to DMS? Go to 'Veelgestelde vragen overgang van AGS naar DMS' (FAQs regarding the transition from AGS to DMS, only available in Dutch). Or read on this page where to go for information.

Customs National Helpdesk

Do you have technical questions? Please contact the Dutch Customs National Helpdesk.

Are you a software developer? Go to the information from the Dutch Customs Support Centre for Software Developers on the Dutch Customs National Helpdesk website.

Umbrella organisations

You may also put your questions to your umbrella organisation, which also provides support in respect of communications about the coming changes.

National Committee on Trade Facilitation (NCTF, ODB in Dutch)

A feedback group with representatives of the business community has been set up with the aim of properly implementing all the changes. The changes for the business community as a result of the arrival of DMS are the subject of discussion in this group.

More information about providing data

The transition form AGS and/or G(S)PA to DMS means that declarants must provide different data. You can read the announcement in the Staatscourant (Government Gazette, only available in Dutch).

General questions

Do you have a general question about AGS, your IIAA licence or DMS? Telephone the commercial contact of the customs office in your region.

More information

You can find more information at All documentation on the migration from AGS to DMS.

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