The timeframe for the implementation of DMS 4.0 and 4.1 for declarations for import, storage, and export

This page contains our timeframe for the transition to DMS 4.0 and DMS 4.1. The planning is based on current insights and capacity. Unforeseen circumstances may affect this.

Timeframe DMS 4.0

From 1 July 2024 the only way to file declarations is through the regular procedure in DMS 4.0, the successor to AGS 3.1. You may need to modify your business processes and declaration system according to the modified message specifications for DMS 4.0 and take into account the modified processing of inspection findings.

Timeline DMS 4.1

Did you register for the informal phase before 1 January 2024? Then you connect to DMS on the date you arranged with us in your action plan. If you are not yet connected to DMS, you can continue to use AGS to file declarations for import, export and storage till 11 September 2024.

Are you not connected to DMS after 11 September 2024 and do you want to file a new declaration in AGS? This is only possible if you came to a customised agreement with us beforehand.

If you did not register for the informal phase before 1 January 2024, you will need to file your declarations in DMS from 1 July 2024. From 1 July onwards you can no longer file declarations in AGS.

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