Counterfeit goods

It is prohibited to import counterfeit goods.

For owners of an intellectual property right

If you own an intellectual property right to a product, nobody may copy that product unless you have given your explicit permission for doing so. If you suspect that your intellectual property right is being or will be infringed upon in the Netherlands or in another Member State of the EU, you may ask Customs to take measures to stop that infringement.

If Customs approves your request, and Customs encounters the goods that your describe in your request during an inspection, Customs will stop those goods. You will then be notified of the event, to allow you to determine whether or not your intellectual property right is indeed being infringed upon. If it is, you can institute legal proceedings.

Another possibility is that Customs notes a possible infringement on intellectual property rights in the course of an inspection, without the trademark proprietor having submitted a request beforehand. In such cases, Customs will contact the trademark proprietor, who may then take measures to protect his rights.

For more information see the following fact sheets: Intellectual property rights april 2014

For further information you can contact the Customs department that deals with counterfeit and pirated goods:

Customs Administration Groningen
Intellectual Property Rights Department 
PO Box 3070 
6401 DN  Heerlen
The Netherlands 
Phone: +31 88 151 21 23 

Internet buyers

When counterfeit goods are entering The Netherlands, we seizure these goods and you can be fined.

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