Central Import and Export Office (CDIU)

The export, import and transit of strategic goods and strategic services are strictly bound by rules. In many cases, you require a licence or you must submit a notification.

Central Import and Export Office (CDIU) - General

The Central Office for Import and Export (CDIU) of Customs is responsible for the information on and issuing licenses for import and export of these goods and services.


Strategic goods (authorisations for import, export and transit)

If you do want to export, import or transit strategic goods, you must apply for a licence for this or you must submit a notification to the CDIU.


Strategic services

As from 1 January 2012, the Strategic Services Act [Wet strategische diensten] applies. This act provides rules on strategic services for strategic goods.



The international community uses sanctions in order to exert influence on conflicts within and between countries, without military intervention. Common sanctions are arms embargos, the freezing of assets, travel restrictions and trade restrictions. The Netherlands sets out these international sanctions in sanctions regimes.


Weapons and ammunition (application for consent and export licence)

Strict rules apply to bringing, importing and exporting weapons and ammunition over the border. You can apply to the Customs Administration Groningen/Central Office for Import and Export (CDIU) for the documents that are required to permit the import, export and transport over the border of weapons and ammunition.