
What are the tasks of Customs regarding the health of the people of the European Union? That information is given in this part of the website.

Product safety

Numerous goods are subject to conditions upon import into the Netherlands or the EU. Particularly foodstuffs, medicines and veterinary medicines and toys must meet certain standards. Some of those standards can be found in the Dutch Commodities Act ('Warenwet') and the regulations based on that Act.


Live animals and animal products

Importing veterinary products from outside the EU is subject to strict requirements (living animals, meat and meat products, eggs, fish and fish products, milk and milk products). These standards concern the health and wellbeing of people and animals.


Plants, flowers, fruit and vegetables

Importing phytosanitary products is subject to strict requirements. (Plants and parts of plants, radical tubers and bulbs, cut flowers, certain types of fruit and vegetables.) The requirements for these products concern the protection of plants and products of vegetable origin against harmful organisms.


Endangered species

Many species of animal and plant have died out as a result of intensive commercial trade in those species. Even more rare species will become extinct if that trade is not stopped. It is the intention on a global level to tackle the trade in endangered species of fauna through laws and regulations.


Inspection of animal food

Importing animal food from countries outside the EU is subject to strict requirements. (Livestock food in bulk, such as grain and tapioca, additives to animal food, such as antibiotics and flavourings.) These standards concern the protection of the health and wellbeing of people and animals.