After your AEO application

Customs will assess whether your organisation meets the AEO criteria. We will also assess whether your potential risks are sufficiently covered. If you do not meet our criteria we may refuse your application. You can file an objection against a formal rejection.

When will we not accept your application?

We will not accept an application for an AEO authorisation in the following cases:

  • The application does not contain all the necessary information, even after our request for additional details.
  • You have not submitted the application to the appropriate customs authorities.
  • We revoked a previously granted AEO authorisation within 3 years prior to your application.
  • You are not a market participant (the activities or your organisation do not fall under customs legislation).

We will visit your organisation

We visit every organisation that submits an AEO application. During this visit, a consultation takes place with, among others:

  • the management of the organisation
  • the persons involved with conducting the AEO self-assessment
  • the person within the organisation who is responsible for your security and safety policy

AEO logo

For organisations with an AEO authorisation, the European Commission provides an AEO logo. You will receive this logo together with your AEO authorisation. Only organisations with an AEO authorisation may use this logo for their own purposes. For example, on commercial documents, in brochures or on business cards.

Please note!

The logo is protected by copyright.

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