AEO Customs Simplifications authorisation (AEO-C)

In international trade the AEO authorisation is increasingly necessary. There are 2 AEO authorisations. The AEO-C authorisation is somewhat less extensive than the AEO-S authorisation.

When applying for other customs certificates you often have to comply with one or more requirements that we set for an AEO-C authorisation.

Organisations with an AEO-C authorisation are entitled to a number of legal facilities and accompanying advantages.

Advantages of an AEO-C authorisation

An AEO-C authorisation will offer you the following advantages:

  • fewer physical and documentary checks
  • priority for inspection if your company has been selected for this.
  • on request, an inspection may be conducted at a specific location
  • easier access to customs simplifications
  • notification of customs inspections in connection with advanced declarations
  • being able to re-use investigation data where the simplified procedures are used
  • a reduced amount of guarantee

Notification of customs inspections in connection with prior lodged declarations

If you are in possession of an AEO-C authorisation and have you lodged a customs declaration prior to the presentation of the goods (article 171 UCC) we will give you notification of a customs control in advance.

If you do not have this AEO-C authorisation you will only receive notification of a customs control when the goods enter.

Please note!

We do not always give notification of an inspection. This is because notification may influence the inspection or the results. In some cases, based on special legislation, we are not permitted to give prior notice of an inspection.

Applying for an AEO-C authorisation

Read here how to apply for an AEO-C authorisation.

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