AEO Security and Safety authorisation (AEO-S)

In international trade the AEO authorisation is increasingly necessary. There are 2 AEO authorisations. AEO-S is the most extensive authorisation. This authorisation contributes towards the security and safety of the entire logistics chain.

When issuing this authorisation we examine the guarantees that your organisation already offers, such as security and safety systems. These may involve internal control measures, but also safety certificates of others such as the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (Koninklijke Marechaussee) or Port Services. Examples of these certificates are: Regulated agent of Known consignor, ISPS-code, TAPA, ISO and recognition by the Dutch Controlling Authority for Milk and Dairy Products.

Organisations in possession of an AEO-S authorisation are entitled to a number of legal facilities and accompanying advantages.

Advantages of AEO-S authorisation

An AEO-S authorisation will offer you the following advantages:

  • reduced physical and document inspections
  • priority if your organisation is selected for an inspection
  • on request, an inspection may be conducted at a specific location
  • advanced notification of inspections
  • recognition of the authorisation by other countries (outside the EU) in connection with mutual recognition (Mutual Recognition Agreement, MRA)

If you would like to make use of these facilities, state your EORI-number in your declaration of entry or your declaration of  temporary storage.

Notification of customs inspections

Are you in possession of an AEO-S authorisation and have you submitted a declaration of entry or a declaration for temporary storage? In this case, we will send you advanced notification of a customs inspection when your goods enter.

If you are a handling agent (airside) or stevedore (maritime) you will also receive notification of an intended customs inspection.

If you are not in possession of an AEO-S authorisation you will only receive notification of a customs inspection when your goods are being unloaded.

Please note!

We do not always provide notification. This may be due to the risk of a negative effect on results. In some cases, special legislation prohibits us from giving advanced notification.

Supplementary information (CAI notification)

The CAI notification (Consignment Additional Information) enables you to provide supplementary information about a consignment to us, such as the EORI number of the recipient (the consignee) if the consignee has the AEO status, or a reference to supplementary information about the consignment. We will take such information into account during our inspections.

Please find the specifications of the CAI notification (Message Implementation Guide, MIG) in the secure section – 'Support developers Dutch Customs software' on the website of the National Customs Helpdesk. You need login details to get access.

Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA)

The European Commission cooperates with a number of non-EU countries on mutual recognition of the AEO-S authorisation. If you indicated in your AEO application that your details are allowed to be exchanged in connection with mutual recognition, you will be eligible for facilities when exporting to these countries.

The EU has concluded agreements with:

  • Japan
    The exchange of data with Japan is automatic if you have indicated that your data may be exchanged. For more information, read the 'Mutual Recognition of Authorised Economic Operators between the EU and Japan'.
  • the United States
    This agreement is very specifically regulated. The 'Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of the agreement on the EU website' describes what you need to do to qualify for the facilities.
  • China
    The exchange of data with China is automatic if you have indicated that your data may be exchanged. However, you must do business with an ACE holder in China. You must also always provide your AEO EORI number when exchanging information. The 'Frequently Asked Questions China-EU Authorised Economic Operators Mutual Recognition Decision' describes what you must know about the exchange of data with China.
  • Norway and Switzerland
    The MRAs with Norway and Switzerland in the field of AEO are based on the EFTA agreements that the EU has concluded with these countries. These agreements also include agreements on the mutual recognition of the AEO status.

    The data exchange between Norway, Switzerland and the EU is fully automated. To be eligible for facilitation, no additional actions are therefore required by the holder of an AEO-S authorisation.
  • United Kingdom (UK)
    The MRA is based on “The EU-UK Trade and cooperation agreement”. You will find the agreements on the mutual recognition of the AEO status on pages 533 to 537 of this agreement.

    When importing into the UK, the EU EORI numbers from the EU AEO must be used. The data exchange between the United Kingdom and the EU is fully automated, so no additional actions are required by the holder of an AEO-S authorisation to qualify for facilitation
  • Moldova
    The MRA with Moldova in the area of AEO is based on Decision No.1/2022 of the EU-Republic of Moldova Customs Subcommittee on the mutual recognition of the Authorized Economic Operator Program of the Republic of Moldova and the Authorized Economic Operator Program of the European Union. This decree lays down the agreements on the mutual recognition of the AEO status.

    The data exchange between Moldova and the EU is fully automated, so no additional actions are required by the holder of an AEO-S authorisation to qualify for facilitation.
  • Andorra
    No further information about this agreement is available from the European Commission.

For more information about the various agreements, the arrangements made and the frequently asked questions, go to the website: 'Mutual Recognition and Cooperation with other government authorities' of the European Commission.

Applying for an AEO-S authorisation

Read here how to apply for the AEO-S authorisation.

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