How to apply for eHerkenning

You apply for eHerkenning directly at 1 of the 6 authorised suppliers. Some companies or organisations apply for eHerkenning via a separate procedure.

Most recently updated on: 1 July 2024

Applying for eHerkenning at an authorised supplier

You apply for eHerkenning on the eHerkenning website. On this website, you select a supplier from the list. You will find the price of the special Belastingdienst EH3 login if you navigate to a supplier's website.

Applying for eHerkenning without KVK number

If you do not have to register or you cannot register with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK), you can apply for eHerkenning without KVK number. You can only log in to the Netherlands Tax Administration with this. You can apply for eHerkenning at one of the authorised suppliers. You will find the eHerkenning suppliers on the eHerkenning website.

Please note!

You will not receive your eHerkenning login immediately after your application. Please note that the supplier needs to check your eHerkenning request. This takes time. So apply for eHerkenning as soon as possible and do not wait until the moment you have to file a tax return.

Applying for eHerkenning via a separate procedure

Some companies and organisations apply for eHerkenning through a separate procedure.

Find out what applies to you:

  • Discontinued companies

    You can apply for eHerkenning for a discontinued company through a separate procedure. To do so, please contact one of the eHerkenning suppliers by telephone or email.

  • Fiscal unities for VAT purposes

    eHerkenning is also available for fiscal unities for VAT purposes. With eHerkenning without KVK number you can only log in to the Netherlands Tax Administration. Depending on which supplier you choose, you purchase a new login for your fiscal unity, or you add your fiscal unity as an additional organisation.

    Logging in via one of the companies in the fiscal unity

    If one of the businesses within the fiscal unity already has eHerkenning, they can log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk on behalf of the fiscal unity for VAT purposes. How to do this, is explained at Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk login and auhorisation, under 'You have a fiscal unity for VAT purposes'. Please note that this is a temporary way of logging in. At a later date you will need to purchase eHerkenning for your fiscal unity for VAT purposes. As soon as we know more, we will publish it on this page.

  • Fiscal unities for corporate income tax purposes

    You can apply for eHerkenning for the parent company of the fiscal unity for corporate income tax purposes.

  • Religious organisations

    You can apply for eHerkenning for a religious organisation through a separate procedure. To do so, please contact one of the eHerkenning suppliers by telephone or email. This procedure has been coordinated with the Centraal Interkerkelijk Overleg (CIO).

  • Tax service providers without a KVK number

    Tax service providers (intermediaries) need eHerkenning to log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk on behalf of their clients. This requires your client's consent, which you can provide with a chain authorisation. Find more information on the page eHerkenning for tax service providers (chain authorisation).

    Are you not registered with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK), for instance, because you are located abroad? Then it is unfortunately not yet possible for you to log in on behalf of your client using chain authorisation. As soon as chain authorisation is available to you, you will find the relevant information on this page.