Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk login and authorisation
You log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk using DigiD, eHerkenning or a European approved digital identity (European login). How you log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk depends on your legal form.
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
Find out what applies to you:
Sole proprietors or self-employed persons abroad can log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk using DigiD, eHerkenning or a European approved digital identity (European login). Check which login you need:
- If you have a Dutch burgerservicenummer (citizen service number), you can log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk using your DigiD. Do you not have DigiD yet? You can also apply for DigiD from abroad. Visit netherlandsworldwide.nl to find out how to apply for DigiD from abroad.
- If you have a Dutch burgerservicenummer and the nationality of a country that is covered under the eIDAS Regulation, you can log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk using a European approved digital identity (European login).
- If you do not have a Dutch burgerservicenummer, you can log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk only using eHerkenning without KVK number.
Please note!
Do you have a foreign legal entity outside the Netherlands? Then you can only use eHerkenning to log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
More information about logging in with eHerkenning, which type you need and how to apply for eHerkenning, can be found at This is how eHerkenning works.
How to log in using DigiD
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Select 'Inloggen met DigiD'.
- Use one of the following options to log in:
- the DigiD app
This is the easiest way to log in securely. You do not have to remember a password. All you need is a PIN of your choosing. - your DigiD username and password and SMS verification
- the DigiD app
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
Do you not have DigiD yet? Apply for DigiD at digid.nl/en/aanvragen.
Have you forgotten your DigiD username and password? Apply for a new DigiD at digid.nl/en/aanvragen.
How to log in using eHerkenning
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Select 'Inloggen met eHerkenning'.
- Select the supplier where you applied for eHerkenning.
- Log in with the details you received from this supplier.
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
You received the message 'not authorised' (niet gemachtigd)
Did you receive a message that you are not authorised (niet gemachtigd) for a certain tax return or tax in Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk, even though you have eHerkenning assurance level 3 (EH3) or higher? Then you may not have selected the correct services for eHerkenning when you logged in earlier. In that case, log in again via your supplier and select the correct services.
If you still receive the message that you are not authorised, contact the eHerkenning administrator within your company or organisation.
Have you forgotten your login details?
If you have forgotten your login details, please contact your eHerkenning supplier. Your supplier is your first point of contact.
What is European login?
Entrepreneurs with a sole proprietorship who are located outside the Netherlands can log in with a European approved digital identity (eID, European login). Currently, the eID's from a number of countries have been approved by the European Commission under the eIDAS Regulation. Approved eID's for European companies and organisations are not available yet. Visit government.nl for more information about European login.
How to log in with European login
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Go to 'Inloggen met European login'.
- Select the country that issued your login and click on 'Continue'.
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
You will then be redirected to the login page of the country that issued your login.
Companies or organisations registered with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK), can use eHerkenning to log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk. You can only log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk with regular EH3 or higher. There is also the special Belastingdienst EH3 login with which you can only log in to the Netherlands Tax Administration.
More information about logging in with eHerkenning, which type you need and how to apply for eHerkenning, can be found at This is how eHerkenning works.
How to log in using eHerkenning
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Select 'Inloggen met eHerkenning'.
- Select the supplier where you applied for eHerkenning.
- Log in with the details you received from this supplier.
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
Please note!
Does your company have a legal form such as a general partnership (vof), public limited company (nv), private limited company (bv) or limited partnership (cv)? Then your VAT return is available in Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk only if you are logged in with eHerkenning. It is not available if you are logged in with DigiD.
You received the message 'not authorised' (niet gemachtigd)
Did you receive a message that you are not authorised (niet gemachtigd) for a certain tax return or tax in Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk, even though you have eHerkenning assurance level 3 (EH3) or higher? Then you may not have selected the correct services for eHerkenning when you logged in earlier. In that case, log in again via your supplier and select the correct services.
If you still receive the message that you are not authorised, contact the eHerkenning administrator within your company or organisation.
Have you forgotten your login details?
If you have forgotten your login details, please contact your eHerkenning supplier. Your supplier is your first point of contact.
Do you not have to register or cannot register with KVK? Then you can use eHerkenning to log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk. With eHerkenning without KVK number you can only log in to the Netherlands Tax Administration.
More information about logging in with , which type you need and how to apply for eHerkenning, can be found at This is how eHerkenning works.
How to log in using eHerkenning
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Select 'Inloggen met eHerkenning'.
- Select the supplier where you applied for eHerkenning.
- Log in with the details you received from this supplier.
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
You received the message 'not authorised' (niet gemachtigd)
Did you receive a message that you are not authorised (niet gemachtigd) for a certain tax return or tax in Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk, even though you have eHerkenning assurance level 3 (EH3) or higher? Then you may not have selected the correct services for eHerkenning when you logged in earlier. In that case, log in again via your supplier and select the correct services.
If you still receive the message that you are not authorised, contact the eHerkenning administrator within your company or organisation.
Have you forgotten your login details?
If you have forgotten your login details, please contact your eHerkenning supplier. Your supplier is your first point of contact.
Even if you are not an entrepreneur, you can log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk for certain business taxes. For example, dividend tax refund.
You can log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk using DigiD, eHerkenning or a European approved digital identity (European login). Check which login you need:
- If you have a Dutch burgerservicenummer (citizen service number), you can log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk using your DigiD. Do you not have DigiD yet? You can also apply for DigiD from abroad. Visit netherlandsworldwide.nl to find out how to apply for DigiD from abroad.
- If you have a Dutch burgerservicenummer and the nationality of a country that is covered under the eIDAS Regulation, you can log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk using a European approved digital identity (European login).
- If you do not have a Dutch burgerservicenummer, you can log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk only using eHerkenning without KVK number.
More information about logging in with eHerkenning, which type you need and how to apply for eHerkenning, can be found at This is how eHerkenning works.
How to log in using DigiD
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Select 'Inloggen met DigiD'.
- Use one of the following options to log in:
- the DigiD app
This is the easiest way to log in securely. You do not have to remember a password. All you need is a PIN of your choosing. - your DigiD username and password and SMS verification
- the DigiD app
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
Do you not have DigiD yet? Apply for DigiD at digid.nl/en/aanvragen.
Have you forgotten your DigiD username and password? Apply for a new DigiD at digid.nl/en/aanvragen.
How to log in using eHerkenning
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Select 'Inloggen met eHerkenning'.
- Select the supplier where you applied for eHerkenning.
- Log in with the details you received from this supplier.
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
You received the message 'not authorised' (niet gemachtigd)
Did you receive a message that you are not authorised (niet gemachtigd) for a certain tax return or tax in Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk, even though you have eHerkenning assurance level 3 (EH3) or higher? Then you may not have selected the correct services for eHerkenning when you logged in earlier. In that case, log in again via your supplier and select the correct services.
If you still receive the message that you are not authorised, contact the eHerkenning administrator within your company or organisation.
Have you forgotten your login details?
If you have forgotten your login details, please contact your eHerkenning supplier. Your supplier is your first point of contact.
What is European login?
Individuals who are located outside the Netherlands can log in with a European approved digital identity (eID, European login). Currently, the eID's from a number of countries have been approved by the European Commission under the eIDAS Regulation. Approved eID's for European companies and organisations are not available yet. Visit government.nl for more information about European login.
How to log in with European login
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Go to 'Inloggen met European login'.
- Select the country that issued your login and click on 'Continue'.
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
You will then be redirected to the login page of the country that issued your login.
You can apply for eHerkenning for your fiscal unity for VAT (turnover tax, omzetbelasting or btw) purposes. Depending on which supplier you choose, you purchase a new login for your fiscal unity, or you add your fiscal unity as an additional organisation.
More information about logging in with eHerkenning, which type you need and how to apply for eHerkenning, can be found at This is how eHerkenning works.
How to log in using eHerkenning for a fiscal unity for VAT purposes
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Select 'Inloggen met eHerkenning'.
- Select the supplier where you applied for eHerkenning.
- Log in with the details you received from this supplier.
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
You received the message 'not authorised' (niet gemachtigd)
Did you receive a message that you are not authorised (niet gemachtigd) for a certain tax return or tax in Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk, even though you have eHerkenning assurance level 3 (EH3) or higher? Then you may not have selected the correct services for eHerkenning when you logged in earlier. In that case, log in again via your supplier and select the correct services.
If you still receive the message that you are not authorised, contact the eHerkenning administrator within your company or organisation.
Have you forgotten your login details?
If you have forgotten your login details, please contact your eHerkenning supplier. Your supplier is your first point of contact.
Logging in via one of the companies in the fiscal unity
For now, you can log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk using eHerkenning via one of the companies within the fiscal unity. This is what you do:
- A company within the fiscal unity applies for eHerkenning assurance level 3 (EH3) or higher at one of the eHerkenning suppliers.
- This company authorises an employee to file the VAT return for the fiscal unity. To that end, the employee must be authorised to use the login for the 'Omzetbelasting voor Fiscale Eenheden' service.
- The authorised employee logs in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk. How to do this, is explained below.
Please note!
Please note that this is a temporary way of logging in. At a later date you will need to purchase eHerkenning for your fiscal unity for VAT purposes. As soon as we know more, we will publish it on this page.
How to log in using eHerkenning on behalf of a fiscal unity for VAT purposes
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Go to the second tab, 'Voor iemand anders'.
- Select 'Ik heb een geldige machtiging'.
- Go to 'Inloggen met eHerkenning'.
- Select the supplier where you applied for eHerkenning.
- Log in with the details you received from this supplier.
- When logging in, select the 'Omzetbelasting voor Fiscale Eenheden' service and the services for which you want to arrange matters. You do this under 'Machtigen en bevoegdheden voor Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk'.
- Select in the next screen 'Andere volmachten' and then select 'fiscale eenheid'.
- Enter the number of the fiscal unity.
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
You are now logged in to the fiscal unity and the VAT returns are available for you under 'omzetbelasting'. Do you want to change the account number of the fiscal unity? Go to 'services' after logging in and select 'rekeningnummer ondernemer wijzigen'.
You received the message 'not authorised' (niet gemachtigd)
Did you receive a message that you are not authorised (niet gemachtigd) for a certain tax return or tax in Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk, even though you have eHerkenning assurance level 3 (EH3) or higher? Then you may not have selected the correct services for eHerkenning when you logged in earlier. In that case, log in again via your supplier and select the correct services.
If you still receive the message that you are not authorised, contact the eHerkenning administrator within your company or organisation.
Have you forgotten your login details?
If you have forgotten your login details, please contact your eHerkenning supplier. Your supplier is your first point of contact.
Does your client have a sole proprietorship or is your client self-employed? Then your client can authorise you via DigiD Authorisation.
Alternatively, you can log in using eHerkenning on behalf of your client. You need your client's permission for this. You can find more information at eHerkenning for tax service providers (chain authorisation).
How to log in using DigiD Authorisation on behalf of a client
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Go to the second tab, 'Voor iemand anders'.
- Select 'Ik heb een geldige machtiging'.
- Go to 'Inloggen met DigiD'.
- Use one of the following options to log in:
- the DigiD app
This is the easiest way to log in securely. You do not have to remember a password. All you need is a PIN of your choosing. - your DigiD username and password and SMS verification
- the DigiD app
- Enter your client's burgerservicenummer (citizen service number).
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
Do you not have DigiD yet? Apply for DigiD at digid.nl/en/aanvragen.
Have you forgotten your DigiD username and password? Apply for a new DigiD at digid.nl/en/aanvragen.
How to log in using eHerkenning on behalf of a client
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Go to the second tab, 'Voor iemand anders'.
- Select 'Ik heb een geldige machtiging'.
- Go to 'Inloggen met eHerkenning'.
- Select the supplier where you applied for eHerkenning.
- Log in with the details you received from this supplier.
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
You received the message 'not authorised' (niet gemachtigd)
Did you receive a message that you are not authorised (niet gemachtigd) for a certain tax return or tax in Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk, even though you have eHerkenning assurance level 3 (EH3) or higher? Then you may not have selected the correct services for eHerkenning when you logged in earlier. In that case, log in again via your supplier and select the correct services.
If you still receive the message that you are not authorised, contact the eHerkenning administrator within your company or organisation.
Have you forgotten your login details?
If you have forgotten your login details, please contact your eHerkenning supplier. Your supplier is your first point of contact.
Fiscal unities for corporate income tax purposes can apply for eHerkenning assurance level 3 (EH3) or higher, registered to the RSIN of the parent company.
More information about logging in with eHerkenning, which type you need and how to apply for eHerkenning, can be found at This is how eHerkenning works.
How to log in using eHerkenning
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Select 'Inloggen met eHerkenning'.
- Select the supplier where you applied for eHerkenning.
- Log in with the details you received from this supplier.
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
After logging in, select the 'Voor mijzelf' tab. In the corporate income tax return, you can indicate for the parent company whether a subsidiary has been added or deconsolidated.
You received the message 'not authorised' (niet gemachtigd)
Did you receive a message that you are not authorised (niet gemachtigd) for a certain tax return or tax in Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk, even though you have eHerkenning assurance level 3 (EH3) or higher? Then you may not have selected the correct services for eHerkenning when you logged in earlier. In that case, log in again via your supplier and select the correct services.
If you still receive the message that you are not authorised, contact the eHerkenning administrator within your company or organisation.
Have you forgotten your login details?
If you have forgotten your login details, please contact your eHerkenning supplier. Your supplier is your first point of contact.
Sole proprietors or self-employed persons in the Netherlands can use DigiD to log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
You can also use eHerkenning to log in. This is not mandatory. More information about logging in with eHerkenning, which type you need and how to apply for eHerkenning, can be found at This is how eHerkenning works.
How to log in using DigiD
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Select 'Inloggen met DigiD'.
- Use one of the following options to log in:
- the DigiD app
This is the easiest way to log in securely. You do not have to remember a password. All you need is a PIN of your choosing. - your DigiD username and password and SMS verification
- the DigiD app
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
Do you not have DigiD yet? Apply for DigiD at digid.nl/en/aanvragen.
Have you forgotten your DigiD username and password? Apply for a new DigiD at digid.nl/en/aanvragen.
How to log in using eHerkenning
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Select 'Inloggen met eHerkenning'.
- Select the supplier where you applied for eHerkenning.
- Log in with the details you received from this supplier.
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
Please note!
Do you have 1 or more companies with another legal form besides your sole proprietorship, such as a general partnership (vof), private limited company (bv) or partnership (maatschap)? Then you log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk for those companies using eHerkenning. DigiD only allows you to log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk for a sole proprietorship or as a self-employed person.
You received the message 'not authorised' (niet gemachtigd)
Did you receive a message that you are not authorised (niet gemachtigd) for a certain tax return or tax in Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk, even though you have eHerkenning assurance level 3 (EH3) or higher? Then you may not have selected the correct services for eHerkenning when you logged in earlier. In that case, log in again via your supplier and select the correct services.
If you still receive the message that you are not authorised, contact the eHerkenning administrator within your company or organisation.
Have you forgotten your login details?
If you have forgotten your login details, please contact your eHerkenning supplier. Your supplier is your first point of contact.
Even if you are not an entrepreneur, you can log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk for certain business taxes. For example, dividend tax refund.
Do you own solar panels and do you have to file a VAT return because you feed energy back to the grid? Then find more information at 'You are a private solar panel owner'.
You can use DigiD to log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
How to log in using DigiD
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Select 'Inloggen met DigiD'.
- Use one of the following options to log in:
- the DigiD app
This is the easiest way to log in securely. You do not have to remember a password. All you need is a PIN of your choosing. - your DigiD username and password and SMS verification
- the DigiD app
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
Do you not have DigiD yet? Apply for DigiD at digid.nl/en/aanvragen.
Have you forgotten your DigiD username and password? Apply for a new DigiD at digid.nl/en/aanvragen.
As a private solar panel owner, you are not an entrepreneur for income tax purposes and you cannot register with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK). However, you are an entrepreneur for VAT purposes. Because your solar panels generate electricity, some of which you use directly for yourself. The electricity you do not use is returned to your energy supplier. For the electricity you feed back into the grid, your receive a compensation fee which is subject to VAT.
In many cases, however, you do not have to register as an entrepreneur for VAT purposes. You can find more information on the conditions that apply at Eigenaren van zonnepanelen (only available in Dutch).
If you register as an entrepreneur for VAT purposes and have to file a VAT return, you will either receive a VAT return form by post, or you can file a digital tax return via Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk. You must use DigiD to log in.
How to log in using DigiD
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Select 'Inloggen met DigiD'.
- Use one of the following options to log in:
- the DigiD app
This is the easiest way to log in securely. You do not have to remember a password. All you need is a PIN of your choosing. - your DigiD username and password and SMS verification
- the DigiD app
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
Do you not have DigiD yet? Apply for DigiD at digid.nl/en/aanvragen.
Have you forgotten your DigiD username and password? Apply for a new DigiD at digid.nl/en/aanvragen.
As a solar panel owner via a owners' association (VVE) or company, you must submit a VAT return via Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk because you feed energy back into the grid. A legitimate representative can apply for eHerkenning on behalf of the VVE or company. To log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk, you need eHerkenning assurance level 3 (EH3) or higher.
More information about logging in with eHerkenning, which type you need and how to apply for eHerkenning, can be found at This is how eHerkenning works.
How to log in using eHerkenning
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Select 'Inloggen met eHerkenning'.
- Select the supplier where you applied for eHerkenning.
- Log in with the details you received from this supplier.
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
You received the message 'not authorised' (niet gemachtigd)
Did you receive a message that you are not authorised (niet gemachtigd) for a certain tax return or tax in Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk, even though you have eHerkenning assurance level 3 (EH3) or higher? Then you may not have selected the correct services for eHerkenning when you logged in earlier. In that case, log in again via your supplier and select the correct services.
If you still receive the message that you are not authorised, contact the eHerkenning administrator within your company or organisation.
Have you forgotten your login details?
If you have forgotten your login details, please contact your eHerkenning supplier. Your supplier is your first point of contact.
A legitimate representative can apply for eHerkenning on behalf of the religious organisation. To log in to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk, you need eHerkenning assurance level 3 (EH3) or higher.
More information about logging in with eHerkenning, which type you need and how to apply for eHerkenning, can be found at This is how eHerkenning works.
How to log in using eHerkenning
- Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk.
- Select 'Inloggen met eHerkenning'.
- Select the supplier where you applied for eHerkenning.
- Log in with the details you received from this supplier.
Go to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
You received the message 'not authorised' (niet gemachtigd)
Did you receive a message that you are not authorised (niet gemachtigd) for a certain tax return or tax in Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk, even though you have eHerkenning assurance level 3 (EH3) or higher? Then you may not have selected the correct services for eHerkenning when you logged in earlier. In that case, log in again via your supplier and select the correct services.
If you still receive the message that you are not authorised, contact the eHerkenning administrator within your company or organisation.
Have you forgotten your login details?
If you have forgotten your login details, please contact your eHerkenning supplier. Your supplier is your first point of contact.
Authorising someone for Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk
You can authorise someone to log in on your behalf with DigiD and eHerkenning. Authorisation with DigiD is only available if you are a sole proprietor or self-employed person.
DigiD Authorisation for sole proprietors or self-employed persons
Do you want to authorise someone else to arrange certain tax affairs for you? You can arrange authorisation via DigiD Authorisation. Indicate clearly for which matters you want to authorise someone.
eHerkenning authorisation
Do you have eHerkenning and do you want to authorise others within or outside your company? Consult with your eHerkenning supplier to determine the best way to arrange this.
If a tax service provider handles your tax affairs, you yourself do not have to apply for eHerkenning. You must give your tax service provider permission to log in using eHerkenning on your behalf. You can do this through chain authorisation. Your tax service provider knows how authorisation works.
Logging in for multiple sub-numbers
Does your company have multiple sub-numbers (for instance, NL123456789B01 and NL123456789B02)? Then the Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk login credentials are exactly the same for all sub-numbers. Someone who is authorised for 1 of the sub-numbers can view the tax returns of all your sub-numbers.
Arranging your tax affairs safely
The lock in the address bar indicates you are in the secure environment of Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk. In addition, the web address starts with https, where the 's' stands for 'secure'.