
If you want to apply for a benefit and assess if you meet the conditions, you should check the meaning of the following concepts.

Annual income or means-tested income

The annual income (means-tested income) is used to calculate your benefit. This is your (combined) gross income in the Netherlands and abroad. You have to make a best estimate of this means-tested income in order to apply for a benefit.


Your capital can include your savings, donations, investments or a holiday home. This is your (combined) capital in the Netherlands and abroad. If this capital is too high on 1 January of the year for which you want to apply for a benefit, you are not entitled to a benefit.

Benefit partner

For benefits, we use the word 'benefit partner' instead of 'partner'. If you have a spouse or registered partner, this person will be your benefit partner. If you have no spouse or registered partner, someone else with whom you are living at the same address could be your benefit partner.

Your benefit partner's income is included in the calculation of the benefit.


A co-occupant is someone who lives with you, for example your child, father or mother, or co-tenant. For the rent benefit, the income of the co-occupant is automatically taken into account for the calculation of the benefit.

Citizen service number

If you are applying for benefits, you will need a citizen service number (bsn). The municipality where you will register will give you a citizen service number. You also need a bsn for your benefit partner and your children.

If your benefit partner lives abroad, you should call the Tax Information Line.

Does your child live abroad? In that case, the Social Insurance Bank (Sociale Verzekeringsbank) will give you a citizen service number if you receive child benefit for your child.


DigiD is short for digital identity. You can use your DigiD to log on to government websites in order to arrange for your government affairs. More information can be found at

'Mijn toeslagen'

You can use the 'Mijn toeslagen' section to arrange for your benefits online. You can apply for and discontinue benefits, follow the status of your application and view our messages. If your situation changes, you should submit your new details via the 'Mijn toeslagen' section.

The 'Mijn toeslagen' section is only available in Dutch. You can only use the 'Mijn toeslagen' section if you and your benefit partner have a DigiD.

Registered childcare centre

In order to receive the childcare benefit, your childcare centre must be registered.

You decide for yourself which childcare centre your child goes to. This could be a day nursery, but also a childminder, for example.

Does your child go to a Dutch childcare centre? Check if the childcare centre is registered at the Landelijk Register Kinderopvang (National childcare register - only available in Dutch).

Does your child go to a foreign childcare centre? Check if the childcare centre is registered at the Register buitenlandse kinderopvang (Registration of foreign childcare - only available in Dutch).

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