AES: EU Exit changes

Do you export goods that leave the European Union (EU)? Or are you a software developer working on the systems registering such goods? The EU Exit (Single Window) process changes. These changes are called 'AES Uitgaan'. More information on AES is available here.

What is the AES?

AES, or Automated Export System, is an automated European system supporting the Exit procedure. It replaces the current ECS (Export Control System). AES is designed to allow for better monitoring of goods exiting the EU customs territory. The Netherlands will have to meet the requirements of AES ultimately by late November 2023. This may have consequences for you, as a business or software developer.

Who do the changes affect?

The implementation of AES affects all market operators dealing with the exit of goods from the EU, including consigners, transport companies, shipping agents, stevedores, handling agents and airlines. As the changes also impact the IT systems of these market operators, they also affect the software developers of these systems.

Why is the AES being introduced?

The implementation of AES is a consequence of the introduction of the Unions Customs Code (UCC) in 2016. EU Member States are required to implement the UCC changes and, thus, to meet the requirements of AES. The further digitisation of customs processes forms an important principle. AES allows Customs to get a better grip on goods exiting the EU. Together, EU member states are working to ensure that cargo does not pose a threat to the safety, health and welfare of EU citizens.

Webinars introducing AES Uitgaan

On Wednesday 13 September 2023, Customs organised a webinar titled 'AES Uitgaan: laatste fase van de implementatie' (AES Uitgaan: the last phase of the implementation). The webinar is intended for market operators, software developers, customs consultants, umbrella organisations and Customs staff. During the webinar we will explain the scenarios available to market operators who are not able to meet the 30 September 2023 deadline. You can watch the recording of the webinar on the AES Uitgaan: laatste fase van de implementatie page (only available in Dutch).

On Wednesday 2 November 2022, Customs organised 2 webinars on AES Uitgaan: 1 for software developers and 1 for businesses. These webinars are available in Dutch and English subtitles can be switched on. You can watch the webinars after having registered with your email address.

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