
Here you will find Customs information, such as general rules and forms and explanations, which applies to the introduction of goods into the EU.

Entry of goods

Customs checks and promotes the safety of goods traffic crossing the external borders of the European Union (EU). It is the task of Customs to prevent dangerous goods entering the Netherlands (or entering the EU via the Netherlands).


ICS2: new process for Entry of Goods

Do you import goods from outside the EU to the European Customs Union? The process of entry is changing. By 1 October 2023, you must declare the entry of goods by air via the Import Control System 2 (ICS2). And by 1 September 2024, you must also declare the entry of goods by sea.


Forms, explanations and brochures that apply to entry

There are different rules for Entry into the EU. We have provided an overview of the forms and explanations that you need for this.