Submitting a change of address

Private individuals

If you move house, you are usually not obliged to submit a change of address to us. You notify the municipal authority of your move. The municipal authority automatically sends us your new home address. In 2 cases, however, you must notify us of your move:

  • You receive rent benefit.
    If you receive rent benefit, you must notify us of the move within 4 weeks. You can submit your change of address via
    Inloggen op Mijn toeslagen (My benefits section, only available in Dutch).
  • Living abroad (outside The Netherlands).
    You live outside the Netherlands / you move house to a country other than the Netherlands.
    You submit your change of address to us using the form:
    Submitting a change of address.

Postal address differs from home address

You want to use a postal address that differs from your home address? Please send a letter to the tax office that handles your tax affairs (only available in Dutch). State your name, citizen service number (BSN), home address and postal address, and let us know that you want to receive our mail at your postal address. 
We will send a letter to your home address within 5 working days, in which we ask you to confirm that the postal address is correct.

You want to use your home address again in stead of your postal address? Please send a letter to the tax office that handles your tax affairs (only available in Dutch). State your name, citizen service number (BSN), postal address and home address, and let us know that you want to receive our mail at your home address. 
We won't send you a confirmation of processing this change.


If your business relocates, you need to notify the Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel). The Chamber of Commerce will submit the change of address to us.

Please note!

If the postal address differs from your business address, we will still send certain things, like writs of execution or user names and passwords, to your business address.

Are you not registered with the Chamber of Commerce?

Is your business relocating but are you not registered with the Chamber of Commerce? If so, you need to notify us of the new address yourself.

You can do this by sending us a letter.

Please include:

  • your name and social security number or RSIN
  • the name of your business
  • the old address of your business
  • the new address of your business

Please send your letter to:

Belastingdienst Buitenland / Klantbeheer
Postbus 2891
6401 DJ Heerlen

We will process your change of address within 10 working days.


Are you a protective guardian and do you want us to send the post for your client to you? Or do you no longer want to receive the post for your client? For this purpose, you should use the form Aanmelden of wijzigen beschermingsbewindvoering (Registering/changing or terminating protective guardianship - only available in Dutch) .

When will you be notified?

You will be notified within 2 weeks after we have received your form.

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