Table 1: Brackets for wage tax/national insurance contributions 2024

Grade For wages per year, starting from amount to next bracket Payroll taxes contribution up to state pension age Payroll taxes contribution, state pension age and older,
born in 1946 or later
1 €0 36.97% 19.07%
2a €38,098 36.97% 36.97%
3 €75,518 49.50% 49.50%
Grade Annual wages Payroll taxes contribution
State pension age and older,
born in 1945 or earlier
1 €0 19.07%
2b €40,021 36.97%
3 €75,518 49.50%

The tax rates for the income brackets are composed as follows:

Grade Type of contribution Up to state pension age State pension age and older
1 Old Age Pensions Act contribution 17.90% Not applicable
Surviving Dependants Act contribution 0.10% 0.10%
Exceptional Medical Expenses Act contribution 9.65% 9.65%
Wage tax 9.32% 9.32%
Total grade 1 36.97% 19.07%
2a en 2b Wage tax 36.97% 36.97%
3 Wage tax 49.50% 49.50%

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