Corporate income tax exemption

Foundations, non-profit associations and similar organisations conducting a business are exempt from corporate income tax:

  • if the taxable profit in any one year does not exceed €15,000, or
  • if the taxable profit in any one year is higher than €15,000, but together with the taxable profits in the 4 preceding years, does not exceed €75,000

If you meet the conditions for exemption, we will grant it. No action is required on your part. If the exemption applies, you will receive a nilassessment.

Sometimes it is advantageous for your organisation not to qualify for the exemption, for example to be able to offset a loss. You then choose not to have the exemption. You make this choice for a period of 5 years. To do this, send a letter to your belastingkantoor (tax office, only available in Dutch). Do this no later than when you file your corporate tax return for the 1st year of the 5-year period

It is possible that we ask you to file a corporate income tax return, while you have not requested a tax liability. You must then file a tax return anyway.

Offset losses beyond the exempted period

The exemption for foundations, associations or similar organisations depends on the amount of the profit. If the profit of your organisation fluctuates and you made a choice not to have tax liability, you may be exempt 1 year and not the next; years that are taxed and exempt may alternate.

When moving to an exempt year, the taxed period is closed with a final statement. If your organisation still has losses that have not been offset from the taxed period, then the organisation can offset these losses against profits from a following taxed period. It does not matter that the organisation has been exempted in the meantime.

However, the legal conditions for the verliesverrekening (offset of losses, only available in Dutch) apply.

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