Immigration checklist - what do I need to know?
If you come from another country to live in the Netherlands, there is a lot coming your way. Here you can read what you need to know.
In the year of your immigration, the way you pay tax changes.
Until your move to the Netherlands you are:
- not subject to tax in the Netherlands, or
- a non-resident taxpayer, and perhaps a qualifying non-resident taxpayer.
As soon as you move to the Netherlands you become a resident taxpayer. That means:
- You pay income tax in the Netherlands. However, do you have non-Dutch income? If so, you will not automatically pay tax on it in the Netherlands. Read more under Will I be taxed twice if I have income from multiple countries?
- You file your income tax return in the Netherlands.
- You pay national insurance contributions and the healthcare insurance contribution if you are socially insured in the Netherlands.
You will need a DigiD to file an online income tax return and to apply for tax credits. If you do not yet have a DigiD, apply for it via Apply for DigiD.
When you are due to file an income tax return you will usually receive a letter from us asking you to do so. If you do not receive a tax return letter, you can check yourself whether you have to pay tax or will be receiving a refund. Log in to Mijn Belastingdienst, using your DigiD and complete the online tax return.
Please note!
You can file your tax return online for the year in which you moved to the Netherlands. Read more about this at How do I file my tax returns for the year of my emigration or immigration?
Do you have health insurance, a rental home or children? If so, you may be eligible for a contribution towards the costs. Such a contribution is known as a benefit. Check if you are entitled to benefits.
If you live in the Netherlands, you are usually automatically covered by the national insurance schemes. You pay national insurance contributions over your wages or benefits for this. If you do not want this insurance, you can request an exemption from the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) for the General Old Age Pensions Act (AOW), the Surviving Dependents Act (Anw), child benefits and the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz). This exemption is subject to conditions.
If you have an exemption or statement to the effect that you are not insured under the Wlz, you no longer pay any contribution. You are then also no longer insured. -
The citizen service number is your own number for contact with the Dutch government. You will receive this number when you register with the municipality where you are going to live. Take proof of identity with you when you register.
You do not usually have to pay any tax for your household effects when you move to the Netherlands. Read more about International relocation and customs.
Register your car or motorcycle with the RDW (Netherlands Vehicle Authority) to import it in the Netherlands. This will provide you with a Dutch license plate. You can read exactly how this works in Moving to the Netherlands and bringing your vehicle.
If you have any questions, please call the Tax Information Line Cars.
We need your bank account number to send you tax refunds. For this purpose use the form Opgaaf rekeningnummer particulieren (Dutch only).