How to receive a Worldwide income return form
We will send you the Opgaaf wereldinkomen form (Worldwide income return, Dutch only) if you have to file a worldwide income return. We start sending these forms every year as of the end of April.
Have you not received an Opgaaf wereldinkomen form?
Do you think you need to file a worldwide income return although you have not received a form? Please call the Tax information line for non-resident tax issues.
Also see the page Do I need to file a worldwide income return?
Have you lost your form? Or do you wish to correct a previous return?
Only in these cases should you download a copy of the form:
- Opgaaf wereldinkomen 2023 (en Toelichting 2023) (Worldwide income return 2023 and Explanatory notes 2023)
- Opgaaf wereldinkomen 2022 (en Toelichting 2022) (Worldwide income return 2022 and Explanatory notes 2022)
- Opgaaf wereldinkomen 2021 (en Toelichting 2021) (Worldwide income return 2021 and Explanatory notes 2021)
- Opgaaf wereldinkomen 2020 (en Toelichting 2020) (Worldwide income return 2020 and Explanatory notes 2020)
- Opgaaf wereldinkomen 2019 (en Toelichting 2019) (Worldwide income return 2019 and Explanatory notes 2019)
Please complete and return the copy to us by the deadline stated in the previously filed worldwide income return form or on the worldwide income return you lost. Also see the page How to file a worldwide income return.