Filing an online tax return in 4 steps
You may be dreading filing your income tax return online. But it doesn't have to be done all at once. You can do it in steps. And you can ask for assistance.
If you already know how to file a tax return, you can log in to Mijn Belastingdienst straight away.
Log in to Mijn Belastingdienst
Using an EU-approved login key
If you live in another European country, you may be able to log in to the Tax and Customs Administration using an EU-approved login key. With an EU-approved login key, European companies and citizens can conduct their business online with public authorities across national borders. Do you want to find out whether you can log in with an EU-approved login key? Please visit the website of Netherlands Worldwide.
4 Steps for completing the procedure
The procedure consists of 4 steps. Below, you will find an explanation of how to complete the procedure:
Step 1: Prepare yourself
Make sure you have the correct information and documents. They include your DigiD, account number, annual statement or the WOZ value of your home, etc.
Checklist for tax return 2023
Checklist tax return 2023
Personal details
- Your citizen service number (burgerservicenummer, bsn), if applicable, those of your partner and children
- Your bank account details (IBAN, preferably a Dutch bank account)
- Your DigiD or an EU-approved login key
- Your telephone number
- Your home address details
Income (worldwide)
- Your annual income statements for 2023
If you do not have any income statements: your payslips. - In case of wages received from Belgium: all payslips
- Spousal maintenance payments received
Bank account details (Dutch and foreign bank accounts)
- The current account annual statement 2023 of yourself, your partner and your children under 18 years of age
- The savings account annual statement 2023 of yourself, your partner and your children under 18 years of age
- The investment account annual statement 2023 of yourself, your partner and your children under 18 years of age
If you are considered a ‘non-resident taxpayer’:
- Your own home’s WOZ value on 1 January 2022
You’ll find this value on last year’s municipal WOZ assessment. - Your mortgage’s annual statement 2023
- In case of purchase or sale of your house: the final settlement from your notary
- The details of a 2nd home or holiday home in the Netherlands
If you are considered a ‘qualifying non-resident taxpayer’ or if you are covered by Dutch social insurance, you will also need your foreign home’s details:
- The value of your foreign home
- Your foreign home’s mortgage annual statement 2023
Deductions (only if you are a ‘qualifying non-resident taxpayer’, or if you were living in Belgium, Surinam or Aruba, or if you were covered by Dutch social insurance)
You will need proof of payment. For instance:
- Gifts
- Costs for care which were not covered
Your own Healthcare Insurance Act contribution. Non-deductible items are: private care insurance premium and any deductible excess. - Paid partner alimony
Other (only if you are a ‘qualifying non-resident taxpayer’, or if you were living in Belgium, Surinam or Aruba, or if you were covered by Dutch social insurance)
- Details of other loans or debts
- Details of paid premiums for annuities
- Overview of paid premiums for occupational disability insurance
- Details of dividend
When applicable:
- Provisional assessment income tax 2023
- Provisional assessment income dependent Health Insurance Act contribution 2023
Step 2: Open the tax return
Log in to Mijn Belastingdienst using your DigiD or an EU-approved login key. You are now in the Mijn Belastingdienst environment. Click on 'Inkomstenbelasting' (Income tax) and then on 'Belastingjaar 2023' (Tax year 2023).
Step 3: Check
Check your details. Compare the information we have entered for you with the information in your own documents. If there is anything missing or incorrect, please supplement or correct. If you are not sure which of the details are correct, please enter your own details.
Need a break? Click 'Opslaan' (Save) and 'Sluiten' (Close). Everything will be saved.
If you do nothing for 15 minutes, Mijn Belastingdienst will automatically log you out. Do not worry: all information is saved first.
Step 4: Sign and submit
Once you have completed the tax return in full, sign it with your DigiD or with an EU-approved key. Then, click on 'Verzenden' (Submit).
When the process is complete, you will see the 'Ontvangstbevestiging' (Confirmation of receipt) page.
Start your tax return now
Want to file a tax return together?
If you have a tax partner, why not file a tax return together? This saves time and prevents errors. It also makes it easier to favourably divide your income and deductible items.
How can I file a tax return together with my partner?
If you want to file a tax return together with your partner, indicate this on your income tax return. Answer 'ja' (yes) to the question: 'Wilt u samen aangifte doen?' (Do you want to file a tax return together?).
By what date do you need my income tax return?
We must have received your income tax return before 1 May in the relevant tax year if you have received an invitation from us. If you file a tax return before 1 April, you will be notified before 1 July. Officially, we have 3 years to process your tax return.
Do I have to file an income tax return?
If you have not received an invitation, you can still file an income tax return up to 5 years after the end of the tax year in question.