Applying for login details to file VAT returns through the old portal

It is no longer possible to apply for login details to access the old entrepreneurs' portal for the first time on this page. The old portal has been closed since 1 July 2024.

Most recently updated on: 1 July 2024

Switch to Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk. You will need DigiD or eHerkenning to log in. Or you can (potentially for one time only) choose to file the tax return with accounting software or via a tax service provider.

For more information on how to file VAT returns from 1 July 2024, visit:

Make sure to file your return on time

  • You must always file a VAT return, even if you have nothing to declare over the time period for which you must file a return.
  • You will find the due dates for filing your VAT return and for payment in the overview with filing and payment dates.
  • In the letter 'Vaststelling belastingplicht' (tax liability assessment) you will find for which time period you must file a return. This can be monthly, quarterly or annually.