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24.20.00 Douanevrijstelling NAVO-hoofdkwartieren, -onderdelen en buitenlandse strijdkrachten

6 Bijlage 3. Certificaten

Courier Certificate

Valid until

  1. This is to certify that the bearer _____________________________

    (name and rank, where applicable),

    holder of Passport/Identity Card No. _______________ is a member of


    (parent organisation).

  2. On the journeys detailed overleaf, the bearer is travelling in the execution of his official functions and is designated as an official NATO courier. He is authorised to carry (number) of packages of official NATO documents, the seals on which correspond to the specimen seal appearing against the appropriate journey.

  3. All customs and immigration officials concerned are, therefore, requested to extend to the official correspondence and documents being carried under official seal by the bearer the immunity from search or examination conferred by the Agreement of the Status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization National Representatives and International Staff, and the Agreement between the Parties tot the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their Forces.

    Signature of Authorising Official:


    (Name and rank in capital)

    Official stamp of NATO member

    nation of NATO command or agency Date:

Ordre de mission d'un courrier

Valable jusqu'au

  1. Il est certifié par la présente que le porteur ______________________

    (nom et grade, le cas

    échéant), détenteur du Passport/Carte d'identité No _____________ est

    membre de _________________________

    (organisme d'appartenance).

  2. Au cours des voyages mentionnés au verse, le porteur voyage en exécution de ses fonctions officielles et est accrédité comme un courrier officiel de l'OTAN. Il est autorisé á transporter ________(nombre) paquets contenant des documents officielles de l'OTAN, dont les sceaux correspondent au modele du sceau apposé en regard du voyage indiqué.

  3. Tous les fontionnaires des services de douanes et de l'immigration sont, en conséquence, priés d'appliquer á la correspondance et aux documents officiels transportés sous sceau officiel par la porteur l'immunité prevue en matière de visite et de contrôle douanier par la Convention sur le Statut de l'Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord, des Représentants nationaux et du Personnel international et la Convention entre les Etats parties au Traité de l"Atlantique Nord sur le Statut de leurs Forces.

Signature du functionnaire responsable

(nom et grade en majuscules)

Sceau officiel du pays membre
de l'OTAN ou du commandemant
ou organisme de l'OTAN Date:

details of itinerary specimen of seal used

details de l’itineraire modele du sceau utilise






See note below

Voir note ci-dessous






See note below

Voir note ci-dessous






See note below

Voir note ci-dessous






See note below

Voir note ci-dessous

Note: In addition to an impression of the seal, the officer affixing the seal must print his name, rank and the name and address of his department, command, agency or facility

En complement à l' impression du sceau, le fonctionnaire apposant le sceau doit mentionner un majuacules, son nom et grade ainsi que le nom et l'adresse de son service, commandement, organisme ou établissement


Valid Until _____________________________________________________

This is to certify that________________________________________holder
of________________passport/Military Identity Card No________________
is a member of_________________________________________________
On the journeys detailed below, Mr.______________________________ is travelling in the execution of his official functions and is designated an official W.E.U. courier. He is authorised tot carry 1)
packages of official W.E.U. documents, the seals on which correspond to that appearing against the appropriate journey below.

All Customs and Immigration officials concerned are therefore requested to extend to the official correspondence and documents being carried under official seal by Mr._______________________________________________ the immunity from search of examination conferred by the Agreement on the Status of W.E.U., National Representatives ans International Staff.

Signature of Authorising Official:


1) The number of packages carried is to be inserted in letters and figures.

of W.E.U. _____________________________
Agency Designation: __________________
Date: ________________________

Detail of Itinerary Specimen of
Seal used:

From To Signature of Authorising
Official: ______________________
Designation: __________________
Date: ________________________

From To Signature of Authorising
Official: ______________________
Designation: __________________
Date: ________________________

From To Signature of Authorising
Official: ______________________
Designation: __________________
Date: ________________________

From To Signature of Authorising
Official: ______________________
Designation: __________________
Date: ________________________